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Knowledge of Useless

Each course has a lot of people know many things in life. We are people - smart people and knowledge that high. We know the science about the veracity, consistency, patience, willingness to learn and work hard, about discipline, about the importance of time management, etc. about the importance congregation. However, we lack one. And that is the lack of a fatal result. What is that? deficiency is the inability in applying all that knowledge in real life.

Practice, it is that we have conducted. And in fact it is not easy. Many people eaten accidentally with the word - a word about our success, etc. about the struggle. However, it is only temporary, because in fact we did not like the word - the word ourselves. Easy to say that once, but the implementation is more important than just say - words. One of the key to our success is much know the various sciences that are useful and would like to learn in the real life. So that the result will be clearly visible

That is often the case, so many books we buy, so many knowledge that we absorb, we do so many courses, the school to become and a high degree title. But what result? We know about a man can not at the time of the time we play games, tease, lazy. We know about the importance to be polite other people when we ridicule other people, we know the danger smoking at the time of our smoking.

The most foolish person is the person who knows something good but does not perform, knowing something is bad but even done. This is a real happening in the middles of us.


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